Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Manacare Charity Party

Wednesday 14th April at Joy Fahey’s Studio Guadalmina
From 8pm till 12pm.
Buffet, Music, Raffle, and a Manacare Presentation Update.
Tickets are 40 Euros.

Joy Butler Markham, the founder of Manacare, is here in Spain for a few days from Sri Lanka where she has been living for the last 5 years since the Tsunami. She has more than achieved her goal of building a village which many of you helped raise the money for and now facilitates over 1000 men, women and especially children with housing, schooling an on site medical and therapy centre, workrooms and much more. The project is nearly finished and is well on its way to becoming self sufficient. What an incredible achievement! Joy has single handily put this project together and stayed the course to see it through to really making a difference to so many peoples lives.

The Fund Raising Party will help towards the completion of the project, finishing the facility that will train young teenage girls in all domestic work to enable them to work and keep them off the streets.

Many of us have given to the Haiti disaster as we did the Tsunami but rebuilding both buildings and lives takes a long time. Not many people have the staying power to complete the course. In fact Manacare is one of only a very few charities left in Sri Lanka actually on the ground still doing something.

As you may know all money raised for Manacare goes directly to the project, there are no fancy offices, big four wheel drive cars and no staff. Joy does everything herself from her small house in the bush. To find out more about the charity visit

I am delighted to open my house to having this impromptu party. It will be a fun night with lots of great raffle prizes, and an opportunity catch up with friends and to speak with Joy directly about her work.

Please RSVP ASAP by email or call 669 050 254 and I will send you directions. I very much look forward to seeing you

Warmest Regards and Many Thanks
Joy Fahey

Monday, April 5, 2010

A guide to getting traffic to your blog

Here are some great tips on how to get traffic to your blog, by blogger and website designer Terry Dunn:

1. Submit your blog to content aggregators like alltop and 9rules.

2. Submit your content to high profile blogs in your niche or topic area.

3. Target the best blogs in your niche or industry and comment.

4. After commenting regularly on a popular blog, it's likely the blog owner has noticed you. This is a good time to become a guest poster. Many blogs use guest posts. It relieves the blogger from the need for constant content. Send an email to the blog owner, complimenting their blog and suggesting topics for guest blogging.

5. Write or record a tutorial. If you create a video tutorial you can add it to youtube or if it's a written tutorial, try adding it to instructables.

6. Do you tweet? A twitter following is a terrific way of getting traffic to your blog. You can use twitterfeed to automatically publish a tweet as soon as you publish a new post, without any work on your part.

I've just submitted a client's blog to Alltop so I'll let you know how that goes. Does anyone else have any ideas on how to get more traffic? Feel free to add your blog address and a short description of what it's about in the comment box, to encourage our members to read it. If you have any other thoughts, please share your ideas with us.